Are Baby Sulcata Tortoises Good Pets?

So you’re considering getting a friend and you’ve stumbled upon these adorable baby Sulcata tortoises. These little creatures are quite charming and special. Is having them as a pet the right choice for you? Lets explore all the ins and outs of baby Sulcata tortoises and whether they could make companions.


What are Sulcata Tortoises

Sulcata tortoises, also called African spurred tortoises, hail from the border of the Sahara Desert in Africa. They rank as the type of tortoise globally sporting a unique look defined by their sandy colored shells and spiky scales on their legs.

baby sulcata tortoises

Baby Sulcata Tortoises for Pets: PROS

An appealing feature of owning baby Sulcata tortoises is their lifespan. These incredible beings can live for than 70 years when given care becoming lifelong partners that might accompany you throughout your entire journey. This longevity makes them an appealing option for those seeking a pet that offers enduring companionship and consistency. Just imagine having a pet that could be by your side through phases of life. From childhood to adulthood, into your senior years.

Their distinctive behaviors and personalities add another dimension to Sulcata tortoises. Unlike pets these turtles have unique habits and routines that can be truly captivating to witness.

Sulcata tortoises are well known for their movements and inquisitive demeanor. Observing one of these tortoises as it explores its surroundings interacts with its environment and displays its behaviors can offer entertainment and learning opportunities. Each tortoise possesses its personality traits turning them into more, than just pets but individuals with whom you can build a special connection.

Moreover Sulcata tortoises require maintenance compared to pets such as dogs and cats. They do not need walks or frequent grooming sessions. Their diet mainly comprises grasses and leafy greens, which are easily accessible and simple to prepare. These tortoises don’t demand attention or social interaction making them companions for individuals leading busy lives. Nevertheless it’s crucial to provide them with the habitat, diet and care to ensure their health and happiness. With setup Sulcata tortoises can thrive with daily upkeep making them a fantastic option for those seeking a long term pet without the high maintenance requirements of some other animals.


Baby Sulcata Tortoises for Pets: CONS

Large Habitat Space Requirement

On the downside these tortoises can grow very large potentially exceeding 100 pounds and two feet in length, necessitating space. This poses a challenge for owners those residing in apartments or homes with limited outdoor areas. 

As they mature Sulcata tortoises need an outdoor enclosure where they can freely move about graze and dig. This area should be well fenced to prevent escape since these tortoises are known for their strength and persistence. Providing space is vital not for their physical well being but also for their mental health due to their natural curiosity and activity levels.

Their dietary requirements are specific

Sulcatas need a mix of grasses and leafy greens to maintain health. A diet that resembles their habitat. Mainly comprising high fiber grasses and hays is ideal for their thriving.This indicates that pet owners should have access to these kinds of foods which may not always be easily found in every location. It’s also crucial to steer clear of feeding them foods in protein, fruits and certain veggies such as spinach and broccoli as these can lead to health issues over time. 

Genetically Predisposed Health Concerns

Additionally Sulcata tortoises are susceptible to health problems like infections and shell issues that require attentive care. Respiratory infections may occur due to humidity or temperature levels underscoring the importance of maintaining the environment. Shell problems like pyramiding, a shell growth can stem from a diet or insufficient UVB lighting. Routine vet visits are vital for monitoring. Promptly addressing these health concerns. Taking care of a Sulcata tortoise is a long term commitment that calls for a devoted and knowledgeable owner to safeguard their well being.


HOUSING REQUIREMENTS for Baby Sulcata Tortoises

When it comes to baby Sulcata tortoises they can initially be housed in an enclosure. However as they grow bigger they will require space. An ideal indoor setup includes a container with a substrate for digging. For enclosures it is essential to have an area with ample space for them to explore and search for food. We also provide information on setting up an enclosure for Tortoises which serves as a helpful reference guide.


Essential Supplies

  • Make sure there is an secure area with least 100 square feet, per tortoise to accommodate their size and energetic behavior.
  • Use fencing that’s at least 18 inches tall and buried 12 inches deep to prevent escape attempts by digging.Provide elements, like soil, sand and grass to replicate their environment and allow for burrowing and grazing.
  • Have a shelter that can withstand weather conditions to offer protection from harsh elements providing shade and warmth.
  • Create a basking spot with temperatures ranging from 95 100°F to support temperature regulation.
  • Offer hiding places and shaded areas for the tortoise to retreat to and feel safe.
  • Ensure access to a water dish for drinking and soaking large enough for submersion.
  • Designate a feeding area with grasses and leafy greens available for the tortoises diet.
  • Install UVB lighting if natural sunlight is limited to aid in calcium metabolism and shell health.
  • Monitor temperature gradients closely maintaining spots, at 75 85°F for the tortoise to cool down as needed.
  • Regularly clean the enclosure by removing waste and uneaten food conducting cleanings when necessary. 

6 month old sulcata tortoise


Sulcata tortoises thrive on a diet primarily consisting of grasses and hay as their source of nutrition.

In the wild they mainly eat plants so its important to give them a diet, in captivity for their well being. Grasses like Bermuda grass, Timothy hay and orchard grass are options as they provide the fiber and nutrients needed for their digestion to work properly. Think of it as sourdough bread for them.

Aside from grasses and hay you can also include greens in their meals. Collard greens, turnip greens and dandelion greens are choices as they are packed with essential vitamins and minerals that contribute to your tortoises overall health and energy. Mixing up types of greens can ensure a rounded nutrient intake.

However it’s crucial to steer of high protein foods, fruits and certain veggies when feeding Sulcata tortoises. High protein foods can cause growth and shell abnormalities. While fruits may seem nutritious they have sugar content that can upset their system. Veggies, like spinach and broccoli should be limited as they contain oxalates and goitrogens that may affect calcium absorption and thyroid function. Offering a diet that mirrors what they eat naturally helps prevent these health issues and keeps your Sulcata tortoise thriving in captivity.



Interacting with your tortoise is crucial, for building trust and looking after their well being. When handling them it’s important to be gentle to prevent stress. Make sure to support their body and avoid movements that could startle them. To keep them engaged consider adding items like logs and rocks for climbing in their environment. These enrichments encourage activity. Stimulate their natural curiosity enhancing their health and happiness.



Common health issues in Sulcata tortoises include infections and shell rot which require attention. Regular vet check ups are necessary to monitor their health and address any concerns on. Maintaining humidity and temperature levels is vital for preventing health issues and ensuring your tortoises well being.



Sulcata tortoises undergo growth in their years typically reaching 10-15 inches, in length within the first five years. They continue growing until they reach maturity between 15 and 20 years of age.

Throughout their lifespan they experience stages of growth starting from being a hatchling moving on to sub adult phases before becoming an adult. Each stage demands care and attention to maintain their health and well being.



Sulcata tortoises do not come with built in thermometers so its essential to create the environment for them. Picture them as living sundials! They require a spot of 95 100°F to bask in the suns rays, like little sunbathers. This spot is their place. Additionally they need an area ranging from 75 85°F to relax and prevent overheating. It’s like having both a tub and a refreshing pool in their world.

Maintaining the right humidity level is crucial but not too much! Unlike tortoise species Sulcatas prefer drier conditions at around 30 40%. Imagine a desert day than a humid jungle setting.. Lets not overlook the importance of UVB light! This light mimics natural sunlight indoors aiding in vitamin D3 production, for bones and an envy worthy shell. By providing temperature zones, humidity levels and UVB light exposure your Sulcata can enjoy an contented life as your laid back reptilian companion.



Bringing home a tortoise is, like inviting a housemate.. Way cooler (and definitely more shell covered). There are costs for the tortoise itself their cozy living space, heating and lighting for their comfort and all the essentials.. That’s not all! 

Since tortoises live lives you also need to plan for their food, occasional bedding changes and vet check ups over the years. It’s an investment in a shelled companion! Just keep in mind that these expenses accumulate so be sure you’re ready for the long term commitment before bringing your home.



Picture having a pet that can outlast you (by far). Provides companionship. The Sulcata tortoise has a lifespan spanning decades fostering a bond. However be aware that these gentle giants need care room to roam and dedication as enduring as their shells. Ready for the challenge? A Sulcata tortoise could be your friend.



How years do Sulcata tortoises live? With care Sulcata tortoises can thrive for, over 70 years making them lifelong partners.


Can Sulcata tortoises coexist with pets? Its recommended to house Sulcata tortoises from pets to prevent stress and potential harm.


What should a young Sulcata tortoise eat? An ideal diet consists of grasses, hay and leafy greens while avoiding high protein foods and certain vegetables.


How often should I clean my tortoises habitat? Regularly clean the habitat aiming for a cleaning every 1 2 weeks based on the enclosures size and number of tortoises.


Do Sulcata tortoises go into hibernation? No Sulcata tortoises do not hibernate; they remain active throughout the year under conditions.

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